We don’t normally like to pat ourselves on the back that much, but 2020 was an extraordinarily shit year for us all so we’re going to take some comfort in celebrating a win.
Covid lockdown consumed a lot of our time and though as a club we’re all about hitting the pub for a beer with the goons, and arguing about books, most of 2020 was actually us stuck on Zoom meetings, drinking a beer from the fridge, and talking to each other through a damn screen, rather actually doing what we do best. Which is why in such a shite year it was great for us to get nominated for the 2020 Vic Men’s Health Award and then, win the award in what was one of our hardest years at TGBC HQ.
There were a number of well-known contenders and although we were a first-time nomination, just were just very bloody happy to see people outside of our crew getting a sense of what we do and how we do it.
So yeah, we don’t usually crow about stuff, but this is an award that we were pretty damn happy to receive. Thanks to all the goons that put in a good word for us.
You can find out more info here https://www.amhf.org.au/the_tough_guy_book_club_wins_victoria_2020_men_s_health_award