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TGBC Monthly Challenge – #beersonfilm

TGBC is more than just a book club.

Each month TGBC sets a challenge – a suggestion on an activity, thought or task - always angled at making a positive difference in a man's life. Somehow always topical; it might be a blood pressure check, taking a photo of yourself in the great outdoors or just showing off your hobby, but all these things help us understand ourselves; our health, our interests and our personalities outside our jobs and understanding those aspects of others.

In this year of the plague, a lot of us have had to become familiar with video calls and online meetings. When 'isolation' became more than just a word, club meetings went online. In a chapter meet in a normal month, you might get a dozen blokes in a pub, all wanting to have a say on the book. During online meets, that same number of blokes wanting to chat has the added challenge of modern technology.

But TGBC is more than about monthly meetings.

The challenge was set: using your know how on online video chats, set up a video chat with some of the other guys from the club and share – virtually – a couple of beers. What could be easier? From the comfort of your own home, meet up with some mates on line and shoot the breeze?
The challenge was called #beersonfilm

TGBC is more than about monthly meetings. Some Goons have been part of this club for more than 6 years. Over time and thanks to club get togethers (our annual camp, Christmas break ups, snow trips etc) guys in a chapter in Brunswick know guys from the chapter in Brisbane. The guys in Sydney have shared beers with the guys from Southbank. True to form, blokes got in touch with one another and organised video catch ups. Guys talked – as guys do – about anything and everything; books probably, movies, whisky definitely, missing the footy and so mateship continued, over the networks and despite the isolation.

#beersonfilm - a great way to get to know a few blokes a bit better; to finish a conversation started a month or year before, bang on a little about a shared interest and strengthen the club bonds.

Because TGBC is more than just a book club.

Bernie Foster (Yarraville Chapter)

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