As April rolled in it was time for a new monthly challenge, and this month it was #beerwithastranger (or “beer with a stranger” for those who don’t speak hashtag).
Those who have been around awhile would know two things. One: we have a challenge every month; something other than reading that keeps Goons involved in the club outside of meetings. Two: we’ve done #beerwithastranger before and it’s a good one.
The idea is to get to know your fellow club members a little better, whether they’re in your chapter or not. To do this, go and have a beer (or a beverage of your choice) with a fellow Goon. The one rule is it needs to be a guy you don’t usually see outside of club. So you know that friend of yours who you invited to TGBC and now attends regularly? He doesn’t count for #beerswithastranger. By all means, grab a beer with your mate too, but branch out a little with your drinking buddies this month.
TGBC challenges usually have a reason behind them. The blood pressure challenge is all about health for example. And #beerwithastranger is no different.
We’re now pushing nearly 50 chapters and have new guys showing up to established chapters every month. These new Goons have the courage to show up to something new, potentially without knowing anyone: that’s hard. What better way to make them feel welcome than grabbing a beer with them?
But what about the goon you see every month? He seems like a nice guy but never really got around to knowing him too well. That’s the other reason #beerwithastranger exists. Just get to know other club members and maybe make a new friend or two.
Whether #beerwithastranger makes you run out of excuses or creates one, it gets goons together outside of meetings, promotes healthy bonding between men, and creates new friendships. And it’s no secret that’s what TGBC is really all about.
Always remember You can’t read a book if you’ve had too many, drink responsibly or else