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TGBC Monthly Challenge – #bpcheck21
February 15, 2021
Seems a bit silly to say out loud but I’ve never been keen on going to see the doctor. I’m an Australian male and therefore tough, resilient and a “good ol’ common sense” mostly sees me right. I feel ok today so that must...
Read MoreJanuary challenge, book swap 2020 – #doomyearbookswap
January 15, 2021
Ever had a favourite thing and wanted everyone to love it too? Yeah, we all have. A song, a film, TGBC isn't just a book club. It helps men connect. To be more social - to socialise, be part of a community. And...
Read MoreThornbury Chapter On Board
November 18, 2020
Here we go again with yet another new Tough Guy Book Club chapter! The club has continued to expand far and wide, but this time we’ve expanded a little closer to home with a new chapter in Thornbury, in Melbourne’s inner north. It was...
Read MoreMornington Chapter Opens
November 01, 2020
With the gradual opening back up of Victoria it was time to get back into the pub. And with that, a new pub with a new chapter. The Royal Hotel in Mornington to be specific. In the lead up to the first meeting there...
Read MoreCamp of the lost year 2020
October 01, 2020
The Tough Book Club camp is significant for many reasons, it’s a chance for goons from all over the country to catch up, do a lot or not much at all. It’s a chance to get away from whatever grind you face day to...
Read MoreAugust challenge, good work 2020 – #goodwork
August 15, 2020
This month's challenge was relevant and tricky. It was about making the effort to recognise someone in service work doing a good job and exceeding expectations regardless of being noticed or not. Goons were asked to take notice of those quiet achievers out there...
Read MoreTGBC Wins 2020 Vic Men’s Health Award
July 30, 2020
We don’t normally like to pat ourselves on the back that much, but 2020 was an extraordinarily shit year for us all so we’re going to take some comfort in celebrating a win. Covid lockdown consumed a lot of our time and though as...
Read MoreGoon Profile - James "JB" Barry
July 15, 2020
Name: James Barry aka JB JB Chapter: Footscray VIC Who are you: Fiancé, Goon, Chapter Sarge, Chapter Prez How long have you been with TGBC: Feb '16: Neil Gaiman "American Gods". Makes it 7 years. How did you end up coming to TGBC: Saw...
Read MoreIndigenous Literacy Foundation fundraising
June 24, 2020
Tough Guy Book Club is a club for men who don't read enough. Or men who want to read more. Or men who read too much and need somebody to talk to about all the amazing and interesting shit they've been reading... look, you...
Read MoreCOVID life -Tough Guy Book Club the pub book club for men..
June 03, 2020
That's our thing, always has been, right from day one. We like to read, pubs, chat, think about what's going on with ourselves and the world around us, drink beer and read. So, what do we do when the pubs are all closed? And...
Read MoreTGBC Monthly Challenge – #showussomething
May 07, 2020
The challenge for May 2020, apart from finding a path through your hoarded toilet paper, was to show us something at home. How do you make your signature dish?, are you working on a renovation project?, an instrument or langauge you are learning, building...
Read MoreTGBC Monthly Challenge – #beersonfilm
April 01, 2020
TGBC is more than just a book club. Each month TGBC sets a challenge – a suggestion on an activity, thought or task - always angled at making a positive difference in a man's life. Somehow always topical; it might be a blood pressure...
Read MoreSort It Out – #Sortitout
March 17, 2020
2020 has thrown up more than its share of curveballs. Pressure around jobs, income, cancelled plans, changing circumstances and breaks in our day to day structure and routines impacted most people. True to the nature of Tough Guy Book Club - it’s much more...
Read MoreGoon Profile – Lucas Earl
January 09, 2020
Name: Lucas Earl Chapter: Southbank Who are you: I'm just your average late 20s early 30s bloke struggling to balance work, friendships, hobby and starting my own family. How long have you been with TGBC: Somewhere close to 4yrs, longer than I’ve been with...
Read MoreTGBC End of Year Book Swap 2019
December 20, 2019
Anticipation. End of Year Book Swap is all about anticipation. It’s not just about what treasure you’ll get in the mail from some far away Goon, it’s about the book that you source from your own collection, or that you buy and send off...
Read MoreTGBC Monthly challenge – #beerwithastranger
September 05, 2019
This challenge was about getting outside your normal circle and getting to know a goon you don’t know much about. Blokes have a reputation for not being good at getting out there socially so it was great to see the goons putting a major...
Read MoreTGBC Camp 2019
June 19, 2019
We've been to a mountain range national park, a high-country lake, the rugged southern coast and now we're headed to Victoria's longest river. It's difficult to capture a TGBC camp with words. It's different things to everybody. It's slow and steady or intrepid and...
Read MoreThe Monthly Challenge
May 07, 2019
Encompassing more than just reading a book each month, Tough Guy Book Club has challenges for members. This started with a yearly reminder to get a blood pressure test and some fundraising activities for men’s health initiatives, over time, these challenges have evolved and...
Read MoreLismore Chapter Kick Off
April 01, 2019
We’ve done it. We’re proud to announce that with a LOT of help from our friend and new Chapter President David Harris, we have finally opened our 2nd chapter in New South Wales. Join us in welcoming the lads of the Northern Rivers to...
Read MoreHeyfield Chapter Opens
March 05, 2019
Though most of the region is on fire the mighty Heyfield Chapter could not be stopped opening tonight. Seriously, there’s bush fires all over Gippsland and the town of Heyfield is real smoky today but with the experienced hand of Clean Pete at the...
Read MoreCastlemaine Chapter Founded
February 15, 2019
TGBC is pleased to announce that we will be opening a chapter in the Victorian town of Castlemaine in March. Castlemaine is a town with a long history, great bookshops and many fine drinking establishments. It was meant to be and now it is....
Read MoreTGBC Book Swap 2018
February 12, 2019
Yet again piles of our goons have participated in our end of year book swap. This year we had 140 goons get involved and send guys they have never met a book, or books, or books and booze, or books and booze and a...
Read MoreGoon Profile – Alex Dobson
February 12, 2019
Name: Alex Dobson **Chapter: Sydney Who are you: Wine wanker, pasta nerd and passionate lover of, and advocate for, all forms of creative expression from fashion to fine art. How long have you been with TGBC: TGBC: March 2015? How did you end up...
Read MoreWindsor and Yarraville Chapters Kick Off
February 05, 2019
2019 is off to a flying start with 2 Melbourne Chapters opeing tonight. The first is one directly between the existing Footscray and Williamstown Chapters in the notoriously civilised but likes to party suburb of Yarraville, which continues our ongoing expansion into the western...
Read MoreTGBC Movember Team – 2018
December 05, 2018
This last month a bunch of our goons grew moustaches (or ran k’s) to raise money for vital men’s health research and there was truly some shockingly bad ones. Seriously, on its best day this clubs not exactly an oil painting but the mo’s...
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