Chapter: Melbourne City
What’s your story?
I discovered Tough Guy Book Club back in 2015. At the time, I was struggling with depression and anxiety and had cut off a lot of my friends, some who I'd known since Primary School. Part of getting out of my funk was to look for things that I liked to do. I played guitar and harmonica, so I joined a group who played together twice a month. I loved the mountains and skiing/boarding, so I joined Guest Services at Falls Creek as a volunteer, so that I could pretty much ski all day while doing stuff on the mountain. I also thought about attending a group called Tough Guy Book Club and after 3 months of procrastination, I headed to the Mona Castle in Seddon to find out what it was all about. Prior to attending, I had little knowledge of what TGBC was about and thought perhaps that it was just a bunch of local boozers and barflies, who sat around in pubs, under the pretense of 'reading books'.
I'm a 'boots and all' type of person and within a couple of months, I found myself setting up and running a chapter in Williamstown. Then suddenly I was on a committee and then I'm assisting with looking for grants, and then I'm starting the Beechworth and Bright chapters as well as helping to start a chapter in Yarraville and then Altona.
Suddenly I had a purpose in life again, which made me responsible for something. It assisted me to find light in dark days and I suddenly found I was reading more, talking and darn it, I had a heap more friends.
How long have you been with TGBC? First Book?
I joined TGBC in June 2015 and my first book was a Hemmingway - The Sun Also Rises
How did you end up coming to TGBC?
I saw a poster on a wall in Charles Street Seddon which peaked my curiosity.
What is your favourite TGBC book?
That's hard because there have been many that I've loved. Eye of the Sheep by Sofie Laguna is way up there but the discussion around The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien and Home by Toni Morrison, was fabulous. Then Trout Fishing in America by Richard Brautigan and Cormack McCarthy's Blood Meridian keep wrestling for first place.
Why are you a member of TGBC?
The answer to this is different to when I first started. I have always been a reader, but now I'm reading things that I would never have contemplated reading. I love the discussion, I love the fact that I can be me rather than being what I'm expected to be. I love hearing other people's stories and where they are in life. I love the fact that people are interested in my story. I love having a community of friends.
What do you think a "Tough Guy" is?
Tough is what you want it to be and differs for all sorts of people and reasons. For some, getting out of bed each day is tough, for others, talking about what you are going through is tough and for others, providing a safe and warm environment for their families or self, is tough. (Also throwing axes at targets at 2am in the morning at TGBC Camp, is tough)
What is your favourite library?
I'm a member of the Melbourne City Library, but have visited libraries in other parts of the world.
What book have we not read that you'd like to do at TGBC?
The Ferryman by Justin Cronin
What is something people wouldn't know about you if they judged you by your cover?
I suffer from depression and bouts of anxiety, but am really good at hiding it.