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Goon Profile - Dylan McCarthy


Dylan McCarthy



Who are you?

I'm a Gooniyandi, Kija and Bardi Man from the Kimberley region, a family man, a husband and soon to be a father, of which I'm both excited and nervous about. I love my books and gaming and trying to stay healthy. I hate exercising but I've realised that there's a direct correlation to my mental health and how often I go to the gym. I also love the water, it’s one of the few places I can be fully present I think. I love conversation however I can get quite nervous in social situations.

How long have you been with TGBC? First Book?

Towards the end of last year, I can't remember the month, but the book was a Long Petal by the Sea by Isabelle Allende

How did you end up coming to TGBC?

My wife showed me the page, I'm normally pretty insular so she thought it would be a great outlet for me as I love reading. It looked amazing so I joined up, everyone has been really welcoming and the guys in Broome are awesome.

What is your favourite TGBC book?

From what I've read so far, I'd have to say I really enjoyed Open Water by Caleb Azmulah Nelson. Beautiful writing and prose.

Why are you a member of TGBC?

It's a great place to have a yarn, I love the challenges and most importantly everyone's a real champion. Every goon is respectful and willing to have a constructive conversation. I think it's a great safe space. I also love reading and talking about reading so it's awesome. I feel like being in the club has helped me become a better communicator with my family as well.

What do you think a "Tough Guy" is?

I think a tough guy is someone who realises that everyone has a story and their own journey. Someone who is willing to sit back and learn from others while also being confident to speak, sometimes that can be a hard balance or just straight up hard to do. Being willing to own up to mistakes or something you may not know it it a tough thing to do as well.

What is your favourite library? 

The library where I went to school always jumps out at me. They always had some awesome books there.

What is something people wouldn't know about you if they judged you by your cover?

Nerves I guess, I can be pretty loud and joke around a lot, but it's only really my wife who sees that side of me. I tend to try and blend in most of the time.

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